Andrius Andrikonis
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Professional background
- Deloitte (LT) (2011 – 2015), Senior Tax Manager, Attorney-at-Law at the law firm associated with Deloitte;
- Law firm Glimstedt (LT) (2001 – 2011), Associate Partner.
Experience and practice areas
During 21 years spent working for one of the largest Lithuanian law firms and cooperating with one of big 4 audit and business consulting company, Andrius has gained significant experience in advising Lithuanian and foreign companies and individuals on tax optimization, structuring of transactions, building and changing of companies’ group structures, tax and legal aspects of local and cross-border mergers, restructurings, conversions and reorganizations.
Banks and other financial institutions:
- Tax consultations to one of the Lithuanian credit institutions on corporate income tax and VAT aspects of transfer of loan portfolio;
- Consultations on transfer of financial lease contracts to a new creditor, coordination of the tax position with the Lithuanian tax authorities by obtaining of an explanation on tax consequences of such transfer;
- Analysis of tax aspects and consequences of financial derivatives, providing advice to foreign credit institutions on the same;
- Advising on VAT matters related to sale of assets by one of the banks operating in Lithuania.
Insurance companies:
- Consultations on tax issues related to transfer of insurance contracts portfolio (VAT, corporate income tax, continuity of personal income tax exemptions, etc.);
- Developing of alternatives for changing the structure of group of insurance companies, analysis of their tax consequences and tax optimization possibilities; analysis of options in relation to utilizing of tax losses;
- Advising on tax questions related to reorganization of Lithuanian insurance company by merging it into foreign parent insurance company.
Pharmaceutical companies:
- Advising international pharmaceutical companies on structuring and legal form of carrying out of pharmaceutical marketing and products’ distribution activities in Lithuania, consulting on related regulatory and licensing issues and tax risks (permanent establishment, personal income tax, VAT obligations, etc.);
- Evaluation of model for carrying out of clinical trials and tax advisory work related to implementation of such model in Lithuania;
- Consultations to international pharmaceutical companies on structuring of supply of medicinal products to Lithuania and tax aspects of such supply (corporate income tax, VAT);
- Analysis of tax issues, related to reimbursement of medicinal products and agreements with National Health Insurance Fund, representation of manufacturers of pharmaceutical products at the Lithuanian tax authorities for coordination of the tax position with respect to such agreements;
- Consulting of pharmaceutical companies on tax aspects of professional and scientific events and tax aspects of donations to health care institutions and specialists;
- Coordination of liquidation of a Lithuanian representative office of international pharmaceutical company and representation in tax control procedures.
Manufacturing companies:
- Advising manufacturing companies, operating in electronics, pharmaceutical industries, on questions related to implementation of contract manufacturing model – evaluation of tax consequences, coordination of the position with the Lithuanian tax administrator, assistance in obtaining binding ruling on tax treatment of contract manufacturing arrangement;
- Consultations on reorganization of Lithuania-based food manufacturer by separating manufacturing and distribution functions;
- Advising on structuring of business activities of manufacturing of electronic devices in free economic zone and international trade in them.
Trading companies:
- Tax consultations to international manufacturer of cosmetics on tax aspects of change of the form of business model in Lithuania, analysis of available options and their tax consequences, ongoing support with implementation of the business model change;
- Coordination and tax advisory work in relation to reorganization (spin-off) implemented at the Lithuanian retail chain of clothing and shoes stores.
Energy companies:
- Consultations to international oil and gas companies on VAT, excise duty and corporate income tax questions, related to import and sale of LNG;
- Advising international oil and gas company on structuring and tax aspects of its investment in Lithuania.
Telecommunication companies:
- Consulting of international telecommunications company on tax questions related to provision of services in Lithuania and establishment of a subsidiary in Lithuania;
- Advising US-based telecommunication company on tax issues related to supply of services and equipment.