i.MAS program
Lithuanian tax authorities are implementing smart tax administration system (i.MAS). The preliminary implementation period of i.MAS is 2015-2020.
Main goals of i.MAS:
- Decrease administrative burden for taxpayers;
- Increase tax revenue by reducing shadow economy;
- Improve efficiency of tax administration.
i.MAS information system will consist of 7 subsystems:
- Electronic invoicing subsystem (i.SAF) – as of 1 October 2016 VAT payers (taxable persons) will be obliged to file data on received and issued VAT invoices in a standardized data format (i.SAF file) by electronic means to the Lithuanian tax authorities.
- Electronic consignment note subsystem (i.VAZ) – as of 1 October 2016 companies (issuer of consignment note, in some cases – carrier/receiver) will be obliged to file data on issued consignment notes in a standardized data format (i.VAZ file) by electronic means to the Lithuanian tax authorities.
- Subsystem of standard accounting data accumulation and management (i.SAF-T) – taxpayers will be obliged to export accounting data from the accounting systems in a standard audit file (SAF-T file) and submit it to the Lithuanian tax authorities under their request.
- Subsystem of remote accounting services for small businesses (i.APS) – allowing self-employed individuals to manage income–expenditure accounting by using i.APS subsystem.
- Smart cash register subsystem (i.EKA) – taxpayers will be obliged to provide information about cash registers’ operations remotely in real time or at the determined time intervals to the Lithuanian tax authorities.
- Horizontal taxpayers’ control subsystem (i.KON) – will be used by the Lithuanian tax authorities to periodically cross-check information received by different i.MAS subsystems.
- Subsystem of analysis, modelling and risk management (i.MAMC) – will be used by the Lithuanian tax authorities to analyze the tax payer’s behavior, assess the impact of control actions and forecast tax payments and the budget.