Tax mistakes spotted timely
Time and money saved
Tax reviews, due diligences
Our tax experts provide tax review services, which may take the form of:
- Complex tax reviews and/or tax audits (either focusing on key taxes and transactions or full scope);
- Thematic tax reviews and/or tax audits (e.g. review of particular tax or transaction).
We carry out sell-side or buy-side tax due diligences. By way of an example, such tax due diligence services may include:
- Review of corporate income tax calculation principles, checking the correctness of adjustments between financial and tax accounting, carrying out of review of income and expenses, analysis of fixed assets’ accounting and other income tax calculation issues;
- Review of value added tax calculations by evaluating VAT calculation methodology applied, validity of 0% VAT rate application, application of taxable moment, etc.;
- Review of principles used in calculation, reporting and payment of state social insurance contributions and compulsory health insurance contributions;
- Review of the methodology of real estate tax calculation;
- Review of calculations, reporting and payment of other taxes;
- Presentation of findings and recommendations for elimination or mitigation of tax risks identified (as a separate project, we can assist with implementation of our recommendations).